Local Time

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Day of the week:Friday
Day of month:26 of 31
Day of year:208 of 365 (157 remaining)
Week of year:30 of 52 (22 remaining)
Time - 12 hour format:10:28:52pm
Time - 24 hour (military) format:22:28:52
Time Zone (*):EDT (-0400 GMT)
Is Daylight Savings Time active? Yes
Is this a Leap year? Yes
Seconds since the Unix Epoch (Jan 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT):1722047332
Swatch Internet Time:145

* The local time zone is the time that it is in New York City

Date/Time References

Last updated: Fri, 04 Jan 2019 14:47:17 -0500
Jason Englander <jason at englanders dot us>