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bitdefender - Anti-virus scanner ChangeLog


# BitDefender 7.0.1-3
# ===================
# This is the freeware version for the Linux console.  If you need any other
# version of BitDefender, see the web site:

# BitDefender Console is only available as an rpm or deb package, so
# Slackware users like myself will need to convert it to a tarball.  I
# include instructions for converting it with alien and rpm2tgz below.
# rpm2tgz is a script that is part of Slackware's 'bin' package.  It uses
# cpio, gzip, and another util or two from the bin package to
# convert an rpm to a tarball.  (FYI, if you run rpm2targz, it'll be named
# .tar.gz instead)

# If you use glibc 2.2.x (the other one is for glibc 2.3.x), replace the
# filename below with this one:
# BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-7.0.1-3.linux-gcc29x.i586.rpm
# To make sure it's OK, run 'ldd /opt/bdc/bdc' after you install it

# I only put the file into ~/installed/bitdefender/ (instead of ~/installed/)
# because the rpm's filename is so long

# Get it, or re-use the rpm if you already have it:
test -f installed/bitdefender/\
BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-7.0.1-3.linux-gcc3x.i586.rpm &&
mv installed/bitdefender/\
BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-7.0.1-3.linux-gcc3x.i586.rpm .
test ! -f BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-7.0.1-3.linux-gcc3x.i586.rpm &&

# Convert it with alien:
test -x /usr/bin/alien &&
( alien -t BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-7.0.1-3.linux-gcc3x.i586.rpm
   mv BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-7.0.1.tgz \
    BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-7.0.1-i586-3.tgz )

# Convert it with rpm2tgz:
test -x /usr/bin/rpm2tgz &&
( rpm2tgz BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-7.0.1-3.linux-gcc3x.i586.rpm
   mv BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-7.0.1-3.linux-gcc3x.i586.tgz \
    BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-7.0.1-i586-3.tgz )

# Install it.  You can also run this instead of you want to install it, but
# not as a Slackware package:
# ( cd / ; tar xzvf ~/bitdefender-7.0.1-i586-3.tgz )
installpkg BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-7.0.1-i586-3.tgz &&
rm BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-7.0.1-i586-3.tgz

# When alien is used to convert the rpm, /opt is given 700 permissions:
chmod 755 /opt

# Remove old versions, put the rpm in ~/installed/bitdefender/
mkdir -p -m 0700 installed/bitdefender
rm -f installed/bitdefender/BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-*.rpm
mv BitDefender-Console-Antivirus-7.0.1-3.linux-gcc3x.i586.rpm \

# You'll find the installed files in /opt/bdc

# If you want 'bdc' to be in your path, I'd suggest creating a symlink to it
# rather than adding /opt/bdc/bdc to your PATH (bdc is the only binary in there):
ln -sf /opt/bdc/bdc /usr/local/bin/bdc

# To update the virus signatures periodically, add a cron job like so
# (or run 'crontab -e' and do it that way...):
cat <<EOF > /etc/cron.daily/
/opt/bdc/bdc --update > /dev/null
if [ \$ERR = 0 ]; then
  logger -t "\`/usr/bin/basename \$0\`[\$\$]" "Updated BitDefender signatures (errorlevel \$ERR)"
  logger -t "\`/usr/bin/basename \$0\`[\$\$]" "Failed to update BitDefender signatures (errorlevel \$ERR)"
chmod 700 /etc/cron.daily/

## If you ever need to uninstall it, run:
# removepkg BitDefender-Console-Antivirus
## ...or this if you didn't install it as a Slackware package:
# test -d /opt/bdc && rm -r /opt/bdc
# test -d ~/installed/bitdefender && rm -r ~/installed/bitdefender

List of HOWTOs

Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EDT -0400)
HOWTO last updated: 2005-03-03 6:12pm
Copyright © 2001-2024 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.