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openoffice - M$ Office-like office suite ChangeLog


# 1.1.5
# ====================
# These are instructions for installing OOo ( from source.
# If you want to install it without compiling it yourself, go to
# the openoffice-bin howto.

# I've never been able to get it to build, so keep that in mind as you try
# this (though I usually don't give it much effort).  I've tried and failed
# with OOo 1.1.1 and gcc 3.4.0, OOo 1.1.4 and gcc 3.4.3, and OOo 1.1.5 and
# gcc 3.4.4  From what I've read, I might have better luck with gcc 3.3.x,
# but rather than downgrade (or install a 2nd copy of) my compiler, I just
# installed the binary.

# If you are thinking about building it from source instead of the binary
# distribution, keep in mind a few things:
# o I probably haven't tried my own instructions lately (just the one time
#   when I wrote them
# o The source tarball is 213 megabytes (the binary is about 77).
# o You can pretty much forget it if you use >= gcc 3.4.x
# o There are some issues with X version 4.3
# o PAM must be installed, it's not optional
# o gcc 3.0.x, 3.1.1, 3.2.x, and 3.3.x are the listed versions that work,
#   that list does not include 3.4.x (previous) or 4.x (current)
# o JDK 1.3.1, 1.4.1, or 1.4.2 are listed as supported, but 1.5.0
#   (aka. 5.0), the current version, is not

# If you have trouble downloading it from the URL below, try one of these
# mirrors:

# Prerequisites:
# glibc >= 2.1.x (though I also saw >= 2.2.x somewhere)
# gawk
# sed
# grep
# PAM (believe it or not, it's _not_ optional)
# java SDK 1.3.1 or 1.4.1, and 1.4.2 is
#   supported as of OOo 1.1.1
#   If you have JDK 1.3.1 you also need:
#     crimson.jar from
#     xalan.jar and xml-apis.jar from
#     (add them to the compilation classpath)
# ant (optional; required to build some Java-based projects)
# XFree86 or
# perl 5.x
# csh (all of the build system scripts are csh scripts; Slackware 9.0 and 9.1's
#   'tcsh' packages include version 6.12.00)
# bison something old or 1.875c (see
#   notes in the bison howto)
# flex
# patch
# zip and unzip
# pkg-config
# libart >= 2.3.13 (if you pass --enable-libart to configure below)
# startup-notification (optional; leave off --enable-libsn to skip it)
# If you enable the crash reporter in configure (--enable-crashdump), which
#   we don't do below because it needs something crazy like 6 gigabytes of
#   drive space to build everything:
#   gtk+ 2.x
#   libjpeg
#   libtiff

test -f installed/OOo_1.1.5_src.tar.gz &&
mv installed/OOo_1.1.5_src.tar.gz .
test ! -f OOo_1.1.5_src.tar.gz &&

# Go get some more coffee (it's about 213 megabytes)

# Verify tarball w/ md5sum:
echo "1c8e860adae05087a53bdba5646962a9  OOo_1.1.5_src.tar.gz" | md5sum -c

# 1.1.4 didn't extract into a OOo_x.x.x_src named directory so this howto
# put it into "OOo_1.1.5".  1.1.5 extracts into "OOo_1.1.5".  Other
# versions may differ from those.  Keep an eye out for others, especially
# considering the amount of space that each one takes up.

mkdir -p -m 0700 src
cd src
find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "oo_*_src" -exec rm -r {} \;
find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "OOo_*" -exec rm -r {} \;
tar xzvf ~/OOo_1.1.5_src.tar.gz
cd OOo_1.1.5
test $UID = 0 && chown -R root:root .

# Extract gpc 2.31 (general polygon clipper)
# (I think) You can skip this if you pass --enable-libart to configure below
test -f installed/gpc231.tar.Z && mv installed/gpc231.tar.Z .
test ! -f gpc231.tar.Z &&
cd src/OOo_1.1.5/external/gpc
tar xzvf ~/gpc231.tar.Z
mv gpc231/* .
rmdir gpc231
rm -f ~/installed/gpc*.tar.Z
mv ~/gpc231.tar.Z ~/installed/
cd ../..

# If you want all dictionaries, leave off --with-dict=ENUS

cd config_office
./configure --with-dict=ENUS
cd ..

# If your current shell is csh and not bash, run this instead:
# "source LinuxIntelEnv.Set"


# 1.1.4's tarball was named OOo_1.1.4_source.tar.gz, 1.1.5's is named
# OOo_1.1.5_src.tar.gz, ...  Keep an eye out for old OpenOffice tarballs in
# ~/installed/ with different names that get left behind, if you're
# concerned about the space they eat up.

mkdir -p -m 0700 installed
rm -f installed/OOo_*_source.tar.gz installed/OOo_*_src.tar.gz
mv OOo_1.1.5_src.tar.gz installed/

# Now as a non-root user, cd into
# ~/src/OOo_1.1.5/instsetoo/ and run
# ./setup  Tell it to do a workstation install.  If you use KDE or Gnome,
# you'll find on your menu after the installation is done.
# To start it from an xterm/konsole/eterm/rxvt/whatever, run
# ~/OpenOffice.org1.1.5/soffice  You can kill ~/src/OOo_1.1.5 (and the
# download tarball) at this point if you want to save space.  And you can
# also remove any older versions that are installed
# (/usr/local/*/).

# /usr/local/OpenOffice.org1.1.5/share/icons/ooo_gulls.png makes for a good
# desktop icon.

List of HOWTOs

Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EDT -0400)
HOWTO last updated: 2010-04-30 5:56pm
Copyright © 2001-2024 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.