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watchdog - Watchdog daemon for Linux ChangeLog


# Watchdog 5.13
# =============
# Below is the original (as far as I know).  There is an alternate version
# based on this one here:
# And:

# Prerequisites:
# A Linux kernel with a watchdog driver

# You need to build a kernel or use a distribution pre-built kernel with a
# watchdog driver in it (or a module).  If you have a vanilla kernel
# you will find some info about it here:
# /usr/src/linux/Documentation/watchdog/
# or here:
# and in some of the source files here:
# /usr/src/linux/drivers/watchdog/

# Get it
test -f installed/watchdog-5.13.tar.gz &&
mv installed/watchdog-5.13.tar.gz .
test ! -f watchdog-5.13.tar.gz &&

# Extract the source
mkdir -p -m 0700 src
cd src
find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "watchdog-*" -exec rm -r {} \;
tar xzvf ~/watchdog-5.13.tar.gz
cd watchdog-5.13
test $UID = 0 && chown -R root:root .

# Configure the build
# Read ./INSTALL and 'configure --help' for info about configure options
./configure --mandir=/usr/man

# Build it

# Become root to install it

# Install it
make install

# For info about running and configuring it:
man watchdog
man watchdog.conf
man wd_identify
man wd_keepalive

# As I write this, the mailling list archive is here:

# I would recommend NOT adding it to start on boot-up automatically until
# you've run it manually to make sure there are no issues and it does not
# start rebooting your system over and over again.  If you are not familiar
# with booting in single-user mode or booting from a CD/DVD or USB flash
# drive, might want to read up on that first too just in case.

## Once you are ready to make it start automatically, either run it from
## /etc/rc.d/rc.local with something like this (-v = syslog):
# if [ -x /usr/sbin/watchdog ]; then
#   echo "Starting watchdog daemon..."
#   /usr/sbin/watchdog -v
# fi
## or modify the the included ./debian/init script or redhat/watchdog.init
## as /etc/rc.d/init.d/watchdog, or use the one I already created.
## If you only need it to run in runlevel 3, like I do, that's the only Sxx
## symlink you need to create.  Run 'runlevel' to see your current one.
## Look in /etc/inittab to see more about the runlevels in Slackware.
## Some other distributions no longer use that, so don't be surprised when
## it does not exist in Ubuntu, etc.
if [ -d /etc/rc.d/init.d ]; then
  wget -nc \
   -O /etc/rc.d/init.d/watchdog
  chown root:root /etc/rc.d/init.d/watchdog
  chmod 700 /etc/rc.d/init.d/watchdog
  ln -sf /etc/rc.d/init.d/watchdog /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99watchdog
## ...and either do this to override a few things in that script, or
## edit the script directly
if [ -d /etc/default ]; then
  test ! -f /etc/default/watchdog &&
   echo -e "run_watchdog=1\nwatchdog_options=\"-v\"" > /etc/default/watchdog
  chown root:root /etc/default/watchdog
  chmod 600 /etc/default/watchdog

# If you want to run it in test mode first, run it with -q by updating
# /etc/default/watchdog or adding it in /etc/rc.d/rc.local or however you
# set it to start

# If you went with the init.d way above, start the daemon like so:
test -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/watchdog && /etc/rc.d/init.d/watchdog start

# Become your non-root user again

# Save the source for later
mkdir -p -m 0700 installed
rm -f installed/watchdog-*.tar.gz
mv -f watchdog-5.13.tar.gz installed/

# If you ever want to uninstall watchdog, this should do it:
test -x /etc/rc.d/init.d/watchdog stop
sleep 2
killall watchdog
sleep 2
killall -9 watchdog
sleep 2
test -d src/watchdog-* && ( cd src/watchdog-* ; make uninstall )
test -d /etc/watchdog.d && rm -r /etc/watchdog.d
( cd /usr/man/man8 ; rm -f watchdog.8 wd_identify.8 wd_keepalive.8 )
( cd /usr/sbin ; rm -f watchdog wd_identify wd_keepalive )
rm -f /etc/watchdog.conf /etc/rc.d/init.d/watchdog \
/etc/rc.d/rc?.d/S27watchdog /etc/rc.d/rc?.d/K40watchdog \
/usr/man/man5/watchdog.conf.5 /var/run/ \
find ~/src -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "watchdog-*" -exec rm -r {} \;
rm -f ~/installed/watchdog-*.tar.*

List of HOWTOs

Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EDT -0400)
HOWTO last updated: 2014-06-11 2:56pm
Copyright © 2001-2024 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.