If you are a former member of HSAnet
let me know!.
I'd love to hear from any of you weirdos ;-)
- hsanet
HSAnet info file from textfiles.com
- hsalist.139
HSAnet Nodelist for Friday, May 19, 1995
Wow... That was after I moved from NJ to VA...
- hsai0894.zip
Application kit for August 1994. Thanks to Rich Bobrowicz
(Namtar) for sending this to me.
- CS-HSA1.ANS.png
ANSI for my BBS (and HSAnet) by CRYPTiC STeNCH/GRiND
(thought I'd lost all copies, found it on textfiles.com)
![[ANSI for Necroscope BBS/HSAnet]](images/CS-HSA1.ANS.small.png)
I lost all of my HSAnet applications, info kits, etc. somewhere
between moving from
New Jersey to
Virginia to
Iowa, then back to New Jersey
again. I think the guy that bought my old computer and all of it's 720K
floppies has all that stuff. Oh well... If anyone has any old HSAnet
stuff, please send it to me.
If you would like to write e-mail to former members of HSAnet, let me
know and I'll tell any that I know of to write you. If you would like your
address put up here (with what your former position, location, and 13:net/node
address was, let me know and I'll add it to this page.
Former members that are still alive:
- HSAnet Administrative Nodes
- Jason Englander
HSAnet International HDQ 13:13/0
Current location: New Jersey (Moved to Virginia, then Iowa, then back to NJ again)
Home page: http://englanders.us/~jason/
- Gerry Busardo
HSAnet co-founder
Alive and well as of 2013
- Andy Rosen
International EchoMail Coordinator 13:13/2
Current location AFAIK: Pennsyltuckey
- Tony Antoniou
Australia Gateway 13:13/14
Current location AFAIK: ??
- New Jersey
- Scott Drake
New Jersey RC 13:100/0
Current location AFAIK: New Joisey.
Home page: Innovative Solutions Online
- Rich Bobrowicz
Essex County Hub 13:201/100
Current location AFAIK: Still in New Joisey
- Pennsylvania
- Andy Rosen
Pennsylvania RC 13:101/0
Current location: ??
- Matt Williams
Current location: ??