aspell - Spell checker HOWTO


Dec 16, 2005	- 0.60.3 -> 0.60.4
		- Added sha1sum for the dictionary
Sep 9, 2005	- 0.60.2 -> 0.60.3
		- Added sha1sum
		- Run chown -R root:root on the source directory when
		  $UID = 0 (when you're root)
		- Rearranged options to shut up new version of find
		- Added missing call to su when installing dictionary
May 10, 2005	- Changed download URL from ftp to http
		- Removed make, gcc, binutils, and fileutils/coreutils links
		- Moved source directory (see note <a href="howtos.php?msd">here</a>)
		- Changed md5sum verification to output OK (or not)
		- Added note about versions that come with Slackware
Dec 21, 2004	- 0.60 -> 0.60.2
Sep 30, 2004	- 0.50.5 -> 0.60
		- Added " or coreutils" to the fileutils prerequisite
		- Added md5sum verification of tarball for those that don't
		  have gpg
		- Updated gcc prerequisite with >= 2.95
		- Added a note about dictionaries for other languages
Aug 10, 2004	- en dictionary update 0.51-1 -> 6.0-0 for aspell 5
Mar 15, 2004	- en dictionary update 0.51-0 -> 0.51-1
		- Added gpg verification of the dictionary tarball
		- Replaced sha1sum verification of the tarball with
		  md5sum, changed the link from textutils to coreutils
Mar 9, 2004	- -> 0.50.5
Nov 11, 2003	- Changed the download URL back to
		- Put gpg verification back in there
Oct 16, 2003	- 0.50.3 ->
		- Removed sha1sum and gpg verification temporarily
Aug 7, 2003	- Slack 9 has packages for aspell, added 'removepkg aspell
		- Changed prefix to /usr, added notes about cleaning up
		  old /usr/local installed versions
		- Replaced getting's sha1sums file and gpg
		  verifying it with the actual sha1sum
		- Create ~/installed/aspell with mode 700
		- Added sha1sum link to the textutils howto
		- Added cleanup of /usr/local/src/aspell-* and
		  ~/installed/aspell-* too
Jul 26, 2003	- Modernized the howto, fixed the download URL for the
		  dictionary (it's in the dict subdir now)
Jan 3, 2003	- Split up aspell and dictionary installation
		- Dictionary: 0.50-2 -> 0.51-0
Nov 25, 2002	- 0.50.2 -> 0.50.3
		- Updated previous version removal
		- Now using the site-wide sha1sums from the root of (because they removed the ones in
		- Added cleanup of old aspell/pspell libs
Oct 2, 2002	- First entry

List of HOWTOs

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