checkinstall - Keeps track of files modified by 'make install' to create a package HOWTO


Apr 7, 2006	- Added download link for the Slackware 10.2 'extra' package
		- Only run removepkg when it exists
Aug 17, 2005	- 1.5.3 -> 1.6.0
		- Removed md5sum verification, can't find one
		- Instead of using a patch to make it use Slackware's
		  makepkg utility instead of it's own, use MAKEPKG in
		  the rc file to tell it to do that instead
		- Changed the installation paths to match Slackware's
		  (/usr/local/lib/checkinstall -> /etc/checkinstall,
		  /usr/local/sbin -> /usr/sbin)
Jul 26, 2005	- First entry

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