clamav - Virus scanning tools (commandline, daemon, and milter) HOWTO


2011/07/05	- 0.96.5 -> 0.97.1
2010/12/19	- 0.96.3 -> 0.96.5
2010/09/21	- 0.96.1 -> 0.96.3
2010/08/05	- 0.96 -> 0.96.1
2010/04/17	- 0.95.3 -> 0.96
2010/01/21	- 0.94.2 -> 0.95.3
		- Fixed where I put 'If you want to uninstall...' from
		  'make install' to 'make uninstall' - oops
2009/03/09	- 0.93.3 -> 0.94.2
2008/08/26	- 0.92.1 -> 0.93.3
2008/03/17	- 0.91.1 -> 0.92.1
		- Added link to a few places to get Slackware packages
		- Added/updated various little notes
2007 Aug 14	- 0.90.3 -> 0.91.1
2007 Jun 04	- 0.90.2 -> 0.90.3
		- Clarified reference to 'DatabaseOwner'
		- Added something to grab DatabaseOwner out of
		  freshclam.conf to fix ownership of /usr/local/share/clamav
2007 Apr 13	- 0.90.1 -> 0.90.2
2007 Mar 29	- 0.88.7 -> 0.90.1
2007 Jan 31	- 0.88.5 -> 0.88.7
		- Removed gawk, grep links (now at the top)
Oct 15, 2006	- 0.88.4 -> 0.88.5
Aug 7, 2006	- 0.88.2 -> 0.88.4
		  <a href=""></a>
Jun 1, 2006	- 0.88 -> 0.88.2
Jan 9, 2006	- 0.87.1 -> 0.88
Nov 8, 2005	- 0.87 -> 0.87.1
		  (includes several important bugfixes,
		  read ChangeLog for more info)
Sep 16, 2005	- 0.86.2 -> 0.87
		- Added creation of /etc/logrotate.d/clamav
Jul 28, 2005	- 0.86.1 -> 0.86.2
		- Updated misc notes
Jul 7, 2005	- 0.86 -> 0.86.1
Jun 21, 2005	- 0.85.1 -> 0.86
		- Run chown -R root:root . on the source directory when
		  $UID = 0
May 25, 2005	- 0.85 -> 0.85.1
May 12, 2005	- 0.84 -> 0.85
		- Rearranged options to shut up the new version of find
May 9, 2005	- Removed make, gcc, binutils, fileutils/coreutils links
		- Changed md5sum verification to output OK (or not)
		- Moved source directory (see note <a href="howtos.php?msd">here</a>)
		- 0.83 -> 0.84
Feb 16, 2005	- 0.82 -> 0.83
Feb 7, 2005	- 0.80 -> 0.82
Nov 3, 2004	- 0.75.1 -> 0.80
		- clamav.conf has been renamed to clamd.conf, added something
		  to the top that renames it
		- Changed the sample freshclam.conf to use the new
		  DNSDatabaseInfo setup
		- Updated prerequisites (added grep and curl)
		- Added notes about building and setting up clamav-milter
		- Removed options from the sample clamd.conf and
		  freshclam.conf that are already the default
		- Moved freshclam notes below clamd.conf notes
		- Updated my rc.sendmail script
Jul 30, 2004	- It was released today as 0.75.1, updated the tarball file
		  name, source directory, and the md5sum
Jul 29, 2004	- 0.74 -> 0.75-1
		- Added md5sum verification for those that don't have
		  gnupg installed
Jun 30, 2004	- 0.72 -> 0.74
June 3, 2004	- 0.70 -> 0.72
		- Added " or coreutils" to the fileutils prerequiste
Apr 20, 2004	- 0.68-1 -> 0.70
Mar 16, 2004	- 0.68 -> 0.68-1
		- Updated note about chown'ing /usr/local/share/clamav
Mar 15, 2004	- 0.67-1 -> 0.68
		- It was just released, changed download URL to use the osdl
		  mirror, the only one that has it yet (sf is part of osdl)
Feb 26, 2004	- 0.67 -> 0.67-1
		- Added "ArchiveMaxCompressionRatio 200" to the sample
		  clamav.conf to use with MIMEDefang
Feb 17, 2004	- 0.66 -> 0.67
		  Fixes a buffer overflow with the HTTPProxy* directives
		  (and other bug fixes)
		- A few minor updates here and there to the notes
Feb 11, 2004	- 0.65 -> 0.66, fixes potential DoS
		- Changed download URL to a temporary mirror because
		  sourceforge is hosed at the moment
		- Note about freshclam's log file being owned by the user
		  that MIMEDefang runs as, if you use MIMEDefang
		- Also backup freshclam.conf
Jan 29, 2004	- For the 2nd time in the last week, I forgot to upload the
		  updated howto :-)
Jan 23, 2004	- Removed the instructions for the snapshot version (it
		  was a really old snapshot)
		- 0.60 -> 0.65
		- Changed the home page to
		- Create ~/backup with mode 700
		- Added more misc notes
Aug 29, 2003	- snapshot 20030829
Aug 6, 2003	- snapshot 20030720 -> 20030806, added md5sum verification
		- A few minor modernizations
Jul 30, 2003	- Updated homepage and download URL to use SourceForge
		- snapshot 20030705 -> 20030720
Jul 9, 2003	- Added 2nd section for the latest snapshot (when there is
		  one); added snapshot 20030705
Jun 20, 2003	- Changed homepage back to
		  the site hasn't been updated in a while
		- snapshot 20030605 -> 0.60
Jun 12, 2003	- snapshot 20030522 -> 20030605
May 28, 2003	- snapshot 20030424 -> 20030522
Apr 25, 2003	- Changed download URL back to, the snapshot isn't
		  available at or the mirror
Apr 24, 2003	- snapshot 20030403 -> 20030424
Apr 8, 2003	- snapshot 20030317 -> 20030403
		- Changed home page URL to
Mar 18, 2003	- snapshot 20030312 -> 20030317
		  There's a problem with the web
		  server right now, this snapshot includes a modified
		  freshclam that will grab updates from
		  instead.  The download URL has been updated to use that
		  site (temporarily).
Mar 12, 2003	- 0.54 -> snapshot 20030312
		  This fixes a security hole mentioned on the clamav-users
		  mailing list (mentioned by the author of clamav)
		- Removed my patch (which fixes what I got into the real
		  0.54 version)
		- Updated adding the clamav user and group to only do it
		  if they don't already exist
Dec 6, 2002	- Added note about the patch not being necessary in the
		  latest snapshot
		- Removed the note about using --disable-clamav because of
		  a clamav user in LDAP (which is what the new
		  --enable-id-check is for)
		- Updated removal of old versions
Nov 21, 2002	- 0.53 -> 0.54
		- Created a new patch to fix my last patch (which
		  unfortunately was accepted into version 0.54 :-)
Nov 13, 2002	- Fixed typo preventing ~/clamav-0.53.patch from being moved
		  into ~/installed/
Nov 5, 2002	- 0.52 -> 0.53
		- Added a patch that improves the configure script so
		  --disable-clamav is no longer necessary for LDAP accounts
		- Remove old shared lib files
Oct 28, 2002	- 0.51 -> 0.52
		- Updated removal of previous version
		- clamd is now in /usr/local/sbin, so we delete the
		  /usr/local/bin copy
Oct 15, 2002	- Removed the freshclam update log, I never look at it
Oct 11, 2002	- Removed full path of config file in cron entry
Oct 9, 2002	- 0.50 -> 0.51
Oct 6, 2002	- 0.24 -> 0.50
		- Added instructions for setting up clamd with MIMEDefang
Sep 3, 2002	- First entry

List of HOWTOs

Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EST -0500)
Copyright © 2001-2025 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.