coreutils - Replacement for GNU fileutils, sh-utils, and textutils HOWTO


2024-02-10	- 5.94 -> 9.4
		- Home page URL http to https
		- Added Wikipedia and Git repository links
		- Removed md5sum and sha1sum checks, added
		- Added prerequisite links for OpenSSL and GMP
		- Updated Slackware package versions
		- Keep a just-in-case copy of select /bin programs
		- Updated creation of /etc/profile.d/
		- Added various notes
		- Fixed a typo, missing / for /etc/DIR_COLORS
2006-03-31	- 5.93 -> 5.94
2005-12-16	- 5.92 -> 5.93
		- Added run of 'make -k check' after 'make'
		- Added note about autoconf/automake instead of autoreconf
		  if you don't have cvs installed
2005-11-02	- 5.2.1 -> 5.92
		- Updated Slack note for 10.2
		- Run chown -R root:root on the source directory when
		  $UID = 0
		- Added sha1sum verification
		- Rearranged options to shut up new version of find
		- Make sure the owner of the files in the source directory
		  can write to them, so your non-root account will be able
		  to remove them later
		- Instead of patching it to skip building things that are in
		  other packages (hostname, kill, su, uptime), use install to
		  install everything one at a time instead of 'make install'
		- Shortened various things that could be (instead of four
		  runs of find, using -or)
2005-05-10	- Changed ibiblio URL to one that currently exists
		- Updated notes to include Slackware 10.1
		- Removed make, gcc, binutils, and fileutils/coreutils links
		- Changed download URL from ftp to http
		- Changed md5sum verification to output OK (or not)
		- Moved source directory (see note <a href="howtos.php?msd">here</a>)
2004-09-14	- Added note about what Slackware 10.0 includes
		- Replaced md5sum -> textutils link with a link to coreutils
2004-03-18	- Replaced the direct link to the latest slackware-current
		  coreutils package with the directory it's in (because a
		  newer version has already come out and I don't want to
		  update this howto just for that every time)
2004-03-16	- 5.2.0 -> 5.2.1
2004-03-02	- First entry

List of HOWTOs

Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EDT -0400)
Copyright © 2001-2024 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.