faad - Freeware Advanced Audio Decoder HOWTO


2019-02-03	- 2.6.1 -> 2.8.8
		- Home page URL http to https
		- Renaming directory no longer needed
		- autoreconf no longer needed
		- Handle 64-bit
		- Also remove libfaad_drm.*
2008-02-22	- 2.5 -> 2.6.1
		- Download from downloads.sf.net instead of
		  download.sf.net (..s uses a mirror)
		- Added removal of the xmms plugin to the uninstall
		  part at the bottom
Nov 7, 2006	- 2.0 -> 2.5
		- Added uninstall notes to the bottom
Jun 21, 2005	- Removed make, gcc, binutils, and fileutils/coreutils links
		- Moved source directory (see note <a href="howtos.php?msd">here</a>)
		- Rearranged options to shut up the new version of find
Jan 10, 2005	- The tarball I had was named 2.0, but I had it extracting
		  into a directory named 2.0rc1 for some reason (I guess
		  a leftover from when I had 2.0rc1...), now extract it
		  (faad2) and then rename it (faad2-2.0)
Sep 24, 2004	- Replaced the note about the Makefile problem with a fix
		  for the problem instead
		- Updated the libmp4v2 prerequisite with a note that it's
Mar 29, 2004	- Added mpeg4ip prerequisite
		- Changed home page link from http://faac.sf.net/ to
Mar 4, 2004	- 2.0rc1 -> 2.0
		- Added coreutils link
		- The tarball was faad2_whatever now it's faad2-whatever,
		  so we clean up after both versions
		- Added a note about a possible build error
Nov 5, 2003	- First entry

List of HOWTOs

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Copyright © 2001-2024 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.