gettext - Internationalization library HOWTO


2018-08-05	- -> 0.19.8
		- Updated Slackware versions list for 14.0, .1, .2,
		  removed older than 13.37
		- Changed home page URL from http to https
		- Added TeX Live link to teTeX link, texinfo link
		- Removed md5sum check
		- Replace $USER with logname for chown
2011-07-17	- Added
		- Updated Slackware note for 12.1, 12.2, 13.0, 13.1
		  and 13.37, removed older
		- Removed 0.16.1
		- Use instead of
		- Pass --docdir=/usr/doc, --infodir=/usr/info,
		  --mandir=/usr/man to configure
2010-04-30	- Java howto link: j2sdk -> jdk
2008-01-02	- Added 0.17
		- Removed 0.15
		- Updated Slackware note for 11.0 and 12.0
		- Removed link to Blackdown Java
2007-06-01	- Added 0.16.1
		- Removed 0.15
		- Removed gawk, sed, grep links (now at the top)
		- Removed 0.14.6
Aug 7, 2006	- Added 0.15.0
		- Removed 0.13.1
Jun 22, 2006	- 0.14.5 -> 0.14.6
Nov 2, 2005	- Updated Slack notes for 10.2
		- Fix ownership of files in source dir after
		  'make install'
Jun 6, 2005	- 0.14.1 -> 0.14.5
		- Updated another Slack note I missed last time for 10.1
		- Run chown -R root:root if $UID = 0
		- Rearrange options to shut up the new version of find
		- Added sha1sum verification
May 10, 2005	- Updated Slack note at the top for 10.1
		- Removed make, gcc, binutils, fileutils/coreutils links
		- Changed download URLs from ftp to http
		- Changed md5sum verification to output OK (or not)
		- Moved source directory (see note <a href="howtos.php?msd">here</a>)
Sep 15, 2004	- Updated Slack note at the top for 10.0
		- Added " or coreutils" to the fileutils prerequisite
		- Added a link to Blackdown's Java page
Aug 27, 2004	- Changed md5sum -> textutils link to point to coreutils
Mar 18, 2004	- Added a link to my j2sdk howto for the java prerequisite
Mar 2, 2004	- 0.13 -> 0.13.1
Jan 29, 2004	- 0.12.1 -> 0.13
		- 0.13 -> 0.14.1
Dec 10, 2003	- Added 0.13, 0.12.1 is at the bottom for those that think
		  0.13 is too new
		- Changed 0.13 from md5sum verification to gpg
		- Added prerequisites
		- Added cleanup for old library files (both versions)
		- Run ldconfig after make install (both versions)
Sep 9, 2003	- Removed 0.11.5 (leaving 0.12.1), I no longer run 0.11.5
Sep 3, 2003	- Replaced download of the sha1sums text file (which doesn't
		  exist any more), etc. with md5sums for both versions
Jul 30, 2003	- A few minor modernizations, fixed the download url from to just
Jun 3, 2003	- Removed the note about the gpg sigs being outdated
		- Added 0.12.1, it's the latest stable, but I'll leave
		  0.11.5 at the bottom for a while		  
Mar 26, 2003	- Added --disable-nls, removal of old .mo files
		- Added removal of old versions
		- Added sha1sum verification, gpg verification of sha1sums
		- Added re-using of existing tarball
Aug 8, 2002	- Added removal of slack 8.1 package gettext-tools
Aug 7, 2002	- 0.11.4 -> 0.11.5

List of HOWTOs

Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EDT -0400)
Copyright © 2001-2024 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.