glib - Low-level core library used by GTK+, Gnome, and many others HOWTO


2011/07/10	- Added 2.28.8
		- Updated Slackware note for 13.37, removed 12.0
2010/10/21	- 2.18.1 -> 2.18.4
		- Updated Slackware note for 12.2, 13.0 and 13.1,
		  removed all older and including 11.0
2010/04/30	- Replaced link to Gaim howto with a link to the Pidgin one
2008/09/18	- Added 2.12.13
		- Updated a few notes
2008/09/17	- Added 2.14.5
		- Added 2.16.6
		- Added 2.18.1
		- Added link to alternate download URL
		- Updated Slackware note for Slackware 12.0 and 12.1
		- Removed 2.2.3
		- Removed 2.4.8
		- Removed 2.6.6
		- Removed 2.8.6
		- Removed 2.10.3
		- Removed 2.12.13
2007/09/11	- 2.12.4 -> 2.12.13
Nov 27, 2006	- Added glib 2.12.4
Oct 27, 2006	- Renamed Ethereal link to Wireshark
		- Updated Slackware note for 11.0
		- Fixed 2.10.x download URL
Aug 7, 2006	- Added glib 2.10.3
Jan 23, 2006	- glib 2.8.5 -> 2.8.6
		- Make files created by 'make install' owned by your
		  non-root user (for 2.8.6)
		- Only run removepkg if it exists (all versions)
Jan 5, 2006	- glib 2.8.4 -> 2.8.5
Dec 23, 2005	- Added uninstall instructions at the bottom
		- Added glib 2.8.4
		- Added --enable-gtk-doc for 2.8.4
		- Added () note for each version listing what matching
		  versions of atk, pango, and gtk go with it
Dec 7, 2005	- Updated a few notes
		- Updated Slackware notes for 10.2
Sep 15, 2005	- Run the part at the bottom su'd
Sep 14, 2005	- Removed make, gcc, binutils, and fileutils/coreutils links
		- Rearranged options to shut up new version of find
		- root.root -> root:root, run when $UID = 0
		- Changed md5sum to output OK (or not)
		- Updated Slackware notes for 10.1
		- Moved source directory (see note <a href="howtos.php?msd">here</a>)
Jan 5, 2005	- 2.4.6 -> 2.4.8
Oct 1, 2004	- Added The Gimp to the list
		- Added more (obvious) prerequisites
		- Added notes about the versions of glib that come with
		- Added 2.4.6
		- Added more prerequisites
		- Added note about building with optimizations
		- Added note about libiconv
		- Added note about running make with -j
		- Replaced md5sum -> textutils links with links to coreutils
		- Added something to clean up elflibs of references to the
		  libraries that are replaced
Sep 27, 2003	- Added pan to the list of things that use glib
Sep 3, 2003	- Added more apps to the list of things that use glib at the
		- 2.2.2 -> 2.2.3
		- Added --sysconfdir=/etc to the configure line for 2.2.x
		  (probably not necessary, but it can't hurt... don't want
		  anything ending up in /usr/etc)
Jul 26, 2003	- glib 2.2.1 -> 2.2.2
		- Added 'removepkg glib' and 'removepkg glib2'
		- Changed prefix from /usr/local to /usr
Feb 4, 2003	- glib 2.2.0 -> 2.2.1
		- Added link to pkg-config howto (was link to it's home page)
Jan 13, 2003	- First entry

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Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EST -0500)
Copyright © 2001-2025 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.