imagemagick - Convert, edit, and compose images HOWTO


2019-01-02	- 6.9.10-12 -> 6.9.10-23
		- sha1sum -> sha256sum
2018-10-21	- Split off libfpx, dcraw, msttcorefonts to their own
2018-10-15	- Added 6.9.10-12
		- Note about PHP PECL imagick
		- 7.0.8-11 -> 7.0.8-12
2018-08-30	- Added repository link
		- 7.0.4-1 -> 7.0.8-11
		- Added TeX Live link
		- Changed netscape (?!) link to Wikipedia
		- Added pkg-config link
2017-01-02	- 7.0.2-4 -> 7.0.4-1
2016-07-17	- 6.8.6-6 -> 7.0.2-4
		- Updated Slackware note for 14.1 and 14.2, removed 13.0, 13.1
2013-07-21	- Updated Slackware note for 13.0, 13.1, 13.37, and 14.0,
		  removed older
		- Note about dcraw compile error about -ljasper
		- libfpx 1.3.0-0 -> 1.3.1-2
		- 6.5.4-8 -> 6.8.6-6
		- Use $(logname) instead of $USER
		- Use --libdir=/usr/local/lib64 if 64-bit
2009-08-04	- 6.5.0-0 -> 6.5.4-8
		- Pass --mandir=/usr/local/man
2009-03-13	- ImageMagick 6.3.7 -> 6.5.0-0
		- Updated Slackware note for 12.1 and 12.2, removed older
		  than 11.0
		- libfpx -> 1.3.0-0
		- Added missing wd97vwr font to the msttcorefonts section,
		  use instead of a specific mirror
		- Try to run fc-cache in /usr/bin too (not just
2008-04-02	- Split off JBIG-KIT into it's own howto
2008-01-02	- 6.2.9-0 -> 6.3.7-8
		- Updated Slackware note for 12.0
2007-06-22	- Removed gawk, sed, grep links
		- Updated Slackware note for 11.0
		- Clean up old documentation directories from
		  /usr/local/doc and /usr/local/share/doc
Aug 17, 2006	- 6.2.8-8 -> 6.2.9-0
Aug 11, 2006	- 6.2.8-0 -> 6.2.8-8
Jun 8, 2006	- 6.2.6-6 -> 6.2.8-0
Mar 27, 2006	- 6.2.6-1 -> 6.2.6-6
		- Split jasper off into it's own howto
Feb 15, 2006	- 6.2.5-5 -> 6.2.6-1
		- Added note about failed dcraw build
		- Added md5sum verification for libfpx
		- Removed the note about coders/dot.c for graphviz 2.6, no
		  longer necessary
Jan 10, 2006	- 6.2.5-4 -> 6.2.5-5
		- Fixed URL of compress
		- Changed the Gimp link to point to the howto
		- Changed libwmf link to point to it's howto
Nov 17, 2005	- 6.2.3-0 -> 6.2.5-4
		- Added sha1sum verification for ImageMagick, libfpx
		- libfpx (flashpix) ->
		- Updated Slack notes for 10.2
		- Change ownership of files created while su'd to $USER
		  (your non-root user account, if you use one), so we'll
		  have access to remove the source dir later
		- Added installation of Micro$oft TT core fonts
		- Also clean up /usr/local/share/ImageMagick-* directories
Jun 7, 2005	- 6.2.1-1 -> 6.2.3
		- X -> XFree86 or
		- Moved source directory (see note <a href="howtos.php?msd">here</a>)
		- Added note about libfpx
		- Changed download URL for libfpx from:
		  to me (so I can use which does build for me;
		  FYI I haven't tried or .11)
		- Rearranged options to shut up the new version of find
Apr 6, 2005	- 6.0.8-3 -> 6.2.1-1
		- Updated Slack note for 10.1
		- Removed make, gcc, binutils, fileutils/coreutils links
		- root.root -> root:root
Jan 8, 2005	- Split graphviz out into it's own howto
Oct 7, 2004	- 6.0.8-1 -> 6.0.8-3
Sep 16, 2004	- jbigkit 1.5 -> 1.6
		- 6.0.4-3 -> 6.0.8-1
		- Updated some prerequisites
		- Changed the download URL from to
		- Added a link to and in case of download
		- Added md5sum verification of tarball
Aug 13, 2004	- 6.0.0-2 -> 6.0.4
Apr 19, 2004	- 5.5.7-17 -> 6.0.0-2
		- Added " or coreutils" to the fileutils prerequisite
		- Added an alternate download URL in case of download
		- Removed the part that fixes the broken Magick++-config
		  script (--version), it's fixed
		- Removed the freetype 2.1.7 patch, also fixed
		- Removed --enable-lzw and --enable-shared from the configure
		  line, both are defaults now
		- Added --enable-static=no to the configure line
		- Added installation of libfpx for FlashPix support
		- Added lcms as a prerequisite
		- Added installation of jbig-kit for jbig support
		- Added -maxdepth 1 for find when looking for old
		  /usr/local/lib/ImageMagick* directories to remove
Mar 5, 2004	- 5.5.7-16 -> 5.5.7-17
		- Added a patch to fix freetype support and
		  'Magick++-config -version'
Mar 2, 2004	- 5.5.7-15 -> 5.5.7-16
		- Make sure ~/installed exists before trying to put anything
		  in it
Jan 30, 2004	- Updated home page for dcraw
Dec 19, 2003	- 5.5.7-11 -> 5.5.7-15
		- Added more prerequisites
Oct 1, 2003	- 5.5.7-10 -> 5.5.7-11
Aug 21, 2003	- Added a fix for broken 'Magic++-config --version'
Aug 6, 2003	- 5.5.7 -> 5.5.7-10
		- Added more prerequisite info/links
Jul 10, 2003	- Updated libjpeg link to point to my howto
Jun 20, 2003	- Added --enable-lzw to configure, the Unisys LZW patent
		  expires today (in the USA)
May 27, 2003	- 5.5.6 -> 5.5.7
		- Removed note about wmf and ttf, they build OK now
		- Updated to just wipe /usr/local/libMagick* before running
		  make install, changes so often, leaves so many old files
		  behind, hopefully this will take care of it :-)
Apr 3, 2003	- 5.5.4 -> 5.5.6
Feb 3, 2003	- 5.5.3 -> 5.5.4
Jan 8, 2003	- Added link to libtiff HOWTO
		- 5.5.2 -> 5.5.3
Dec 6, 2002	- 5.5.1 -> 5.5.2
		- Updated removal of old versions
		- Moved from the overloaded to ibiblio's
		  sourceforge mirror
Oct 18, 2002	- Updated web site and ftp links to
		  (new hosting company is handling it; the sourceforge
		  mirror is out of date)
		- 5.4.8-2 -> 5.5.1
		- Added cleanup of old shared libraries
Aug 26, 2002	- Added notes about prereqs
		- Added removal of Slack 8.1 'imagemagick' package, in
		  addition to 'imagick'
		- Added --without-ttf and --without-wmf due to bugs
		- 5.4.8 -> 5.4.8-2

List of HOWTOs

Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EST -0500)
Copyright © 2001-2025 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.