lsof - Util that lists open files HOWTO


2009/07/22	- 4.78 -> 4.82
		- Changed home page URL from
		- Updated Slackware note for 12.0, 12.1, and 12.2,
		  removed older than 11.0
		- Added an uninstall part to the bottom
2007/08/28	- 4.77 -> 4.78
		- Updated Slackware note for 11.0 and 12.0
Apr 10, 2006	- 4.76 -> 4.77
		- Only run removepkg when it exists
Nov 4, 2005	- 4.73 -> 4.76
		- Changed md5sum verification to output OK (or not)
		- Removed the fileutils/coreutils prerequisite link (because
		  of the 'global' ones at the top
		- Moved source directory (see note <a href="howtos.php?msd">here</a>)
		- Rearranged options to shut up new version of find
		- Run chown -R root:root on the source dir when $UID = 0
		- Make sure the owner of the files in the source dir has
		  write access to them
		- Added md5sum, sha1sum, and gpg verification for the main
		  (outer) tarball
		- Added note about versions that come with Slackware
Dec 21, 2004	- 4.71 -> 4.73
Mar 22, 2004	- 4.70 -> 4.71
		- Replaced the md5sum -&gt; textutils link with a link to
		- Added " or coreutils" to the fileutils prerequisite
Jan 20, 2004	- 4.68 -> 4.70
		- Added removal of more possible (old) man page locations
Aug 7, 2003	- More modernizations
		- Moved the binary and man page to /usr/bin and /usr/man
		  (from /usr/local)
Jun 30, 2003	- 4.67 -> 4.68
Apr 10, 2003	- 4.66 -> 4.67
		- Modernized the howto
Jan 18, 2003	- 4.65 -> 4.66
		- Removed sum verification, if you don't have md5sum or gpg,
		  tough tooties
Oct 12, 2002	- 4.64 -> 4.65
		- Added previous version removal
		- Replaced note saying you should run 'removepkg lsof' if
		  you have Slack 8.1+ after running 'make' with 'removepkg
		  lsof' after make :-)  (doesn't hurt any if you don't have
		- Changed of the lsof binary to root.wheel and
		  the permissions to 750, no joe-user needs to be able to
		  run it... (IMHO)
		- Added tarball verification with sum, md5sum, and gpg

List of HOWTOs

Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EDT -0400)
Copyright © 2001-2024 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.