php-7.2 - Hypertext preprocessor HOWTO


2024-01-18	- Added EoL date
		- ->
2022-04-22	- 7.2.30 -> 7.2.34
2020-04-22	- 7.2.29 -> 7.2.30
2020-03-31	- 7.2.21 -> 7.2.29
2019-08-21	- 7.2.19 -> 7.2.21
2019-06-28	- 7.2.18 -> 7.2.19
2019-05-09	- 7.2.17 -> 7.2.18
2019-04-04	- 7.2.16 -> 7.2.17
2019-03-12	- 7.2.15 -> 7.2.16
2019-03-01	- 7.2.14 -> 7.2.15
		- Added --enable-calendar for these functions:
2019-01-15	- 7.2.13 -> 7.2.14
		- http to https for home page URL
2018-12-29	- 7.2.12 -> 7.2.13
		- Added --with-expat
		- Added --with-libzip (bundled is deprecated)
		- Added --with-tidy
		- Split off from main PHP HOWTO (called "php")

List of HOWTOs

Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EDT -0400)
Copyright © 2001-2024 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.