sed - GNU stream editor HOWTO


2024-02-26	- 4.2.1 -> 4.9
		- Home page URL http to https
		- Added repo and Wikipedia links
		- Removed md5sum and sha1sum checks,
		  added sha256sum check
		- Removed one of the notes about Slackware 9.0
		- Run logname instead of using $USER, which requires
		  running su with -p, and your su even having a -p...
		- Fixed various typos from THIRTEEN YEARS AGO (!!)
2011-07-17	- 4.1.5 -> 4.2.1
		- Updated Slackware note for 12.1, 12.2, 13.0, 13.1 and
		  13.37, removed older
		- Removed gawk and grep prerequisite links, already at the
		- Use instead of
Feb 10, 2006	- 4.1.4 -> 4.1.5
		- Added missing mode to mkdir (mkdir -p -m ___ src)
		- Replaced the blurb that cleans up the bin package file
		  with a note about what to do.  That was for versions
		  of Slackware less than 9.0, since 9.0 has been 9.1, 10.0,
		  10.1, and 10.2...  I'll remove the note eventually too.
Nov 1, 2005	- Updated Slack note for 10.2
		- Fixed broken links to other howtos
		- Wrap su -c around the part that installed the bootstrap
Jul 28, 2005	- Added ibiblio backup download URL
		- Rearranged options to shut up new version of find
		- Run chown -R root:root on source directory when $UID
		  = 0 (when you're root)
May 10, 2005	- Updated Slackware notes for 10.1
		- Removed make, gcc, binutils, fileutils/coreutils links
		- Changed md5sum verification to output OK (or not)
		- Added sha1sum verification
		- Changed download URLs from ftp to http
		- Moved source directory (see note <a href="howtos.php?msd">here</a>)
Feb 7, 2005	- 4.1.2 -> 4.1.4
Aug 31, 2004	- 4.1.1 -> 4.1.2
		- Removed a duplicate cleanup of /usr/share/locale
Jul 9, 2004	- 4.0.9 -> 4.1.1
		- Instead of running 'make install' and then 'strip /bin/sed',
		  just run 'make install-strip'
Apr 14, 2004	- Update notes about versions that come with Slackware
		- Replaced md5sum -> textutils link to point to coreutils
		- Added " or coreutils" to the fileutils prerequisite
		- Added note about super-sed, link to it's home page
Jan 14, 2004	- 4.0.8 -> 4.0.9
Nov 4, 2003	- 4.0.7 -> 4.0.8
		- Added gpg verification
Sep 9, 2003	- Removed non-existant sha1sum file verification and
		  replaced it with a md5sum that I got from the sed 4.0.7
		  that I just downloaded that matches up with several sed
		  4.0.7's that I downloaded April 15th.  Unfortunately doesn't have any sed 4.x versions listed in
		  their before-2003-08-01.md5sums.asc file
		- Create ~/installed with mode 700
		- Added prerequisites
		- Instead of running 'removepkg sed', which uses sed,
		  we do what it would do (except for deleting /usr/bin/sed)
		- Updated the notes about cleaning up /var/adm/packages/bin*
		- Create ~/backup/packages with mode 700
Jul 30, 2003	- Modernized the howto some more
Apr 15, 2003	- 4.0.6 -> 4.0.7
		- Added 'removepkg sed' because Slack 9 has a seperate
		  package for it
		- Removed my bootstrap patch, looks like they fixed it
		- Now we put the sed binary in /bin, create a symlink to
		  it in /usr/bin
		- Added 'strip /bin/sed' (one of mine went from 272k to 76k)
		- Added notes about removing a Slackware installed sed with
		  removepkg, which uses sed...
Mar 19, 2003	- 4.0.5 -> 4.0.6
Mar 7, 2003	- Modernized
		- Added --disable-nls to configure, removal of old .mo files
Dec 17, 2002	- 4.0.3 -> 4.0.5
		- Updated removal of old versions
		- Added a section for making a bootstrap version (building a
		  sed when you don't already have an older sed installed)
		  (including a patch that fixes a bug in the
Nov 26, 2002	- 4.0.2 -> 4.0.3
Nov 20, 2002	- 4.0.1 -> 4.0.2
		- Updated sha1sum verification to use the ones posted on the
		  ftp site in / (because not all gnu projects have md5 or
Nov 8, 2002	- 4.0 -> 4.0.1
Oct 28, 2002	- First entry

List of HOWTOs

Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EDT -0400)
Copyright © 2001-2024 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.