sqlite - Self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine library HOWTO


2023-10-16	- 3.35.3 -> 3.43.2
		- Updated Slackware package versions list removing 13.37,
		  adding 15.0
2021-04-01	- 3.26.0 -> 3.35.3 (3350300)
		- Typo: bgut -> but
2018-12-28	- 3.7.10 -> 3.26.0 (3260000)
		- Home page URL http to https
		- Updated Slackware versions for 14.0, .1, and .2, removed
		  older than 13.37
		- Added link to repository page
		- Also remove the Tcl director(y|ies) at the bottom
		- Use logname instead of $USER (more reliable with
		  different shells, su, sudo, etc. as long as you have
2012-03-04	- 3.7.2 -> 3.7.10
		- Updated Slackware note for 13.37
2010-10-05	- 3.6.22 -> 3.7.2
		- Updated Slackware note for 13.1
2010-01-10	- 3.6.11 -> 3.6.22
		- Updated Slackware note for 13.0
2009-03-11	- 3.5.9 -> 3.6.11
		- Added note about the version that is included with
		  Slackware 12.2
		- Added run of removepkg
2008-06-24	- 3.5.7 -> 3.5.9
2008-03-24	- 3.5.6 -> 3.5.7
2008-02-10	- 3.5.4 -> 3.5.6
2008-01-07	- 3.4.2 -> 3.5.4
2007-09-18	- 3.3.17 -> 3.4.2
2007-06-07	- 3.3.8 -> 3.3.17
2006-11-07	- 3.3.7 -> 3.3.8
2006-09-21	- First entry

List of HOWTOs

Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EST -0500)
Copyright © 2001-2025 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.