texinfo - Software documentation system HOWTO


2018-08-03	- 4.13a -> 6.5
		- Removed md5sum check
		- Updated Slackware version list for 13.37, 14.0, .1, .2,
		  removed older
		- Removed very outdated checkinstall package instructions
		- Home page URL changed to https
2010/03/21	- 4.11 -> 4.13a
		- Updated Slackware note for 12.1, 12.2, and 13.0, removed
		  older than 11.0
2007/09/12	- 4.8a -> 4.11
		- Updated Slack note for 12.0
		- Removed gawk, grep links (now at the top)
Oct 26, 2006	- 4.8 -> 4.8a
		- Updated Slack note for 11.0
		- Fixed mkdir (left out the dir to mk <g>)
		- Added run of fix-info-dir to re-generate /usr/info/dir
Jan 6, 2006	- Updated Slack note for 10.2
		- Updated uninstall notes
Aug 12, 2005	- Added cleanup of files from the package
Aug 11, 2005	- Added instructions for creating a package with checkinstall
Jul 28, 2005	- Added sha1sum verification
		- Rearranged options to shut up new version of find
		- Run chown -R root:root on the source directory when
		  $UID = 0 (when you're root)
May 10, 2005	- Updated Slackware notes for 10.1
		- Changed ibiblio URL to one that currently exists
		- Removed make, gcc, binutils, and fileutils/coreutils links
		- Changed md5sum verification to output OK (or not)
		- Moved source directory (see note <a href="howtos.php?msd">here</a>)
Feb 7, 2005	- 4.7 -> 4.8
		- Added uninstallation instructions to the bottom
Aug 31, 2004	- Fixed the ibiblio URL
		- Added note about the version that comes with Slackware 10.0
Apr 12, 2004	- 4.6 -> 4.7
		- Changed links to textutils to point to coreutils
		- Updated prerequisites
Sep 9, 2003	- Just a note - the verified md5sum posted after ftp.gnu.org
		  was cracked matches up with the sha1sum that I have in the
		  howto (the file gives off my sha1sum and their md5sum)
		- Added the md5sum to the howto also
		- Added prerequisites
Aug 7, 2003	- A few more little modernizations
		- Added sha1sum to the howto itself
Jul 26, 2003	- 4.5 -> 4.6
		- Modernized the howto
Feb 5, 2003	- 4.3 -> 4.5
		- Replaced my own md5sum for the old version with their
		  sha1sums (at ftp.gnu.org/) for the new one
		- Added gpg verification of sha1sums
		- Updated removal of old versions
		- Added --disable-nls to the configure line
Nov 18, 2002	- 4.2 (which I forgot to post publically) -> 4.3
		- Added my sha1sum, hopefully my copy is good :-)
		- .tar.gz -> .tar.bz2
		- Old version removal
		- Home page link (FYI, you can use texinfo.com too)

List of HOWTOs

Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EDT -0400)
Copyright © 2001-2024 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.