transcode - Video processing tool HOWTO


Dec 28, 2006	- Changed download URL to one that works
		- Removed gawk, grep, sed links (now at the top)
		- Updated prerequisites
Apr 27, 2006	- Fixed link to pvm3 howto
Dec 30, 2005	- Changed home page URL from (404)
		- Removed make, gcc, binutils, and fileutils/coreutils links
		- Changed md5sum verification to output OK (or not)
		- Moved source directory (see note <a href="howtos.php?msd">here</a>)
		- root.root -> root:root, run when $UID = 0
		- When installing 0.6.12, remove ~/src/transcode (the CVS
		  version) if it exists
		- Removed gpg verification (the tarballs aren't signed
		  AFAIK), added sha1sum
		- Make sure the owner of the source directory files has
		  write access to them
		- 0.6.12 -> 1.0.2
		- Added uninstall instructions to the bottom
Jan 11, 2005	- Added note to libquicktime to use 0.9.3, not CVS (there
		  was an API change that transcode in CVS hasn't been updated
		  for yet)
Jan 10, 2005	- Changed the libpvm3 prerequisite to be a link to my howto
		- Updated notes about lve
		- Changed the home page URL from
		  (which says permission denied) to
		- Added the version in CVS to the bottom and the 4 million
		  configure flags that are now available
Nov 18, 2004	- Added " or coreutils" to the fileutils prerequisite
		- Replaced link to textutils with a link to coreutils
		- Renamed the X link to XFree86 and added a link to
		- Fixed typo that said md5sum above the gpg part
		- Added md5sum verification for those that don't have gpg
Mar 8, 2004	- 0.6.11 -> 0.6.12
Mar 4, 2004	- Fixed a typo with the liba52 prerequisite
		- Updated note about a build error with libmpeg3's current
Dec 6, 2003	- First entry

List of HOWTOs

Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EDT -0400)
Copyright © 2001-2024 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.