vim - Vi IMproved - a text editor based on vi HOWTO


2016-09-12	- 7.0 + patches -> 8.0
		- Removed note about Slackware package versions for 9.x, 10.x,
		  11.0, 12.x, 13.0, and 13.1, added 13.37, 14.0, 14.1, 14.2
		- No longer specify --with-features, huge is the default
		- Updated notes about ctags
		- Backup and replace system-wide vimrc/gvimrc
		- Added manual removing of files (beyond 'make uninstall')
		  to bottm also, just in case
Jun 1, 2006	- 6.3 + patches -> 7.0 + patches
Oct 12, 2005	- Added application of 90 (small) patches
		- Removed make, gcc, binutils, and fileutils/coreutils links
		- Updated Slackware note for 10.1 and 10.2
		- Rearranged options to shut up new version of find
		- root.root -> root:root, run when $UID = 0
		- The tarball will be put in ~/installed/vim/ with the
		  patches (in ~/installed/vim/patches/)
		- Moved source directory (see note <a href="howtos.php?msd">here</a>)
Jan 26, 2005	- Remove vim-*.tar.* instead of vim-*.tar.bz2
		- Added note about desktop icon
Jan 25, 2005	- Updated Slack note for 10.0
		- Fixed a typo mentioning installing 'ctags below' (we're
		  installing vim below &lt;g&gt;)
		- Changed "X" prerequisite to "XFree86 or"
Jun 15, 2004	- 6.2 -> 6.3
Feb 3, 2004	- Split ctags out into it's own howto
		- Added prerequisites
Aug 12, 2003	- Missing the . at the end of the line that moves the ctags
		  tarball (if it's there) to ~/
Jul 2, 2003	- Initial revision

List of HOWTOs

Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EDT -0400)
Copyright © 2001-2024 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.