# avifile
# =======
# Below I include the latest snapshot and instructions for installing it
# from CVS. If you use gcc >= 3.4 you'll probably want to use the latter.
# I was unable to build the snapshot with gcc 3.4.5
# If you want to uninstall avifile, or just clean up files from an old
# version before installing a new one, skip down to to the bottom for
# instructions.
# Create directories for the tarballs and source
mkdir -p -m 0700 ~/installed/avifile ~/src/avifile
# Codecs
# ======
# Install win32 codec binaries (for video (de)compression). This will not
# overwrite existing files, in case you already have codecs there from
# installing Mzlayer, for example. If you already have codecs installed
# elsewhere (ie. /usr/local/lib/codecs), you can skip this and use those
# below instead.
test -f installed/avifile/binaries-011002.tgz &&
mv installed/avifile/binaries-011002.tgz .
test ! -f binaries-011002.tgz &&
wget http://avifile.sourceforge.net/binaries-011002.tgz
rm -f installed/avifile/binaries-*.tgz
mv binaries-011002.tgz installed/avifile/
# These are Windows Media Player 9 codecs. This time it will overwrite these
# if they already exist. If you have codecs installed (in /usr/lib/win32)
# from installing MPlayer, skip this.
test -f installed/avifile/Win32_dmo.tgz &&
mv installed/avifile/Win32_dmo.tgz .
wget -N http://download.sf.net/avifile/Win32_dmo.tgz
# avifile 0.7.45-20060306
# =======================
# If you run Slackware with a 2.6 kernel and you have the 2.4 kernel
# headers installed from the kernel-headers-2.4.* package (because that's
# what glibc was built with), replace that with the kernel-headers-2.6.*
# package from Slackware testing:
# ftp://ftp.slackware.com/pub/slackware/slackware-10.2/testing/packages/linux-2.6.13/
# Once you build avifile, you can uninstall it and go back to the original
# one if you like.
test -f installed/avifile/avifile-0.7-0.7.45.tar.bz2 &&
mv installed/avifile/avifile-0.7-0.7.45.tar.bz2 .
test ! -f avifile-0.7-0.7.45.tar.bz2 &&
wget http://download.sf.net/avifile/avifile-0.7-0.7.45.tar.bz2
cd src/avifile
test -d ./avifile && rm -r ./avifile
find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "avifile-*" -exec rm -r {} \;
tar xjvf ~/avifile-0.7-0.7.45.tar.bz2
cd avifile-0.7-0.7.45
test $UID = 0 && chown -R root:root .
# If you skipped installing codecs above and want to use codecs in another
# directory, like those you installed with MPlayer, pass
# --with-win32-path=/usr/local/lib/codecs (wherever they are) to configure
## If make fails with an error like this:
# ../lib/.libs/libaviplay.so: undefined reference to `libiconv_open'
## re-run it like this:
# make LIBS=-liconv
rm -f installed/avifile/avifile-*.tar.* installed/avifile/avifile.README
mv avifile-0.7-0.7.45.tar.bz2 installed/avifile/
# If you're upgrading an older version, watch out for (delete if you want)
# old /usr/local/share/avifile-*/ and /usr/local/lib/avifile-*/ directories.
# avifile from CVS
# ================
# Prerequisites (beyond those listed above):
# autoconf (required by autogen.sh)
# automake (ditto)
# For Video4Linux2 support (optional):
# Kernel 2.6.x headers (not the 2.4.x package that comes with Slackware)
# You can get 2.6.x headers from testing
mkdir -p -m 0700 ~/src
cd ~/src
find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "avifile-*" -exec rm -r {} \;
test -d ./avifile && cvs update
# If CVS asks for a password, just hit enter
test ! -d ./avifile &&
( cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@avifile.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/avifile \
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@avifile.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/\
avifile co -P avifile
test $UID = 0 && chown -R root:root . )
cd avifile
test -f ./Makefile && make distclean
# I had to change install-hook in Makefile.am to install-exec-hook
# and install-hook in include/Makefile.am to install-data-hook
# autogen.sh wouldn't finish otherwise. I use automake 1.10
./configure --with-win32-path=/usr/local/lib/codecs
## If make failed with an error like this:
# /home/jason/src/avifile/avifile/lib/.libs/libaviplay.so: undefined
# reference to `libiconv_open'
## re-run it like this:
# make LIBS=-liconv