# EsounD 0.2.38
# =============
# This is the Enlightened/Enlightenment Sound Daemon, but lots of other apps
# (beyond the Enlightenment window manager) use this. Gnome, SDL, Ogg/Vorbis,
# Xine, ...
# Slackware 8.1's 'esound' package includes version 0.2.27, 9.0's includes
# 0.2.29, 9.1's includes 0.2.32, 10.0's includes 0.2.34, 10.1's includes
# 0.2.35, 10.2's and 11.0's include 0.2.36
# Prerequisites:
# ALSA (optional)
# audiofile
# db2html, db2ps (optional; Slackware includes these in it's
# sgml-tools/linuxdoc-tools packages
# tcp wrappers (optional; add --with-libwrap)
test -f installed/esound-0.2.38.tar.bz2 &&
mv installed/esound-0.2.38.tar.bz2 .
test ! -f esound-0.2.38.tar.bz2 &&
wget http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/esound/0.2/esound-0.2.38.tar.bz2