# smartmontools
# =============
# Slackware 9.0's 'smartmontools' package includes version 5.1-7, 9.1's
# includes version 5.1-18, 10.0's and 10.1's include version 5.30,
# 10.2's includes 5.33, 11.0 and 12.0's include 5.36
# Below I include the latest "stable" release (5.36) and the latest
# "experimental" release (5.37)
# As of version 5.31, the default prefix is /usr/local. It used to be /usr.
# If you want to uninstall smartmontools, or just clean up files from an old
# version before installing a new one, skip down to the bottom for
# instructions.
# smartmontools 5.36 (stable - 2006/04/12)
# ==================
test -f installed/smartmontools-5.36.tar.gz &&
mv installed/smartmontools-5.36.tar.gz .
test ! -f smartmontools-5.36.tar.gz &&
wget http://download.sf.net/smartmontools/smartmontools-5.36.tar.gz
# Verify tarball w/ md5sum:
# (this came from my gpg-verified tarball)
echo "2e424f2d35efa38a29ebca419c1dbe3c smartmontools-5.36.tar.gz" | \
md5sum -c
# Verify tarball w/ sha1sum:
# (this also came from my gpg-verified tarball)
echo "aafc42287c694e4206d80b7886401acdb0eff230 smartmontools-5.36.tar.gz" | \
sha1sum -c
mkdir -p -m 0700 src
cd src
find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "smartmontools-*" -exec rm -r {} \;
tar xzvf ~/smartmontools-5.36.tar.gz
cd smartmontools-5.36
test $UID = 0 && chown -R root:root .
chmod -R u+w .
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
# Become root to install it
# Back up your existing smartd configuration file, if you have one:
test -f /etc/smartd.conf &&
( cd ; mkdir -p -m 0700 backup ; cp /etc/smartd.conf ~/backup/ )
test -x /sbin/removepkg && /sbin/removepkg smartmontools
find /usr/doc -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "smartmontools-*" -exec rm -r {} \;
make install
# There's the commandline util smartctl and there's a daemon smartd. See
# each one's man page for details.
# To use smartd, create a /etc/smartd.conf configuration file (see 'man
# smartd.conf'). To monitor the three IDE drives in this computer, here's
# the configuration I use:
# /dev/hda -a
# /dev/hde -a
# /dev/hdg -a
# To monitor the two IDE drives in a computer connected to a 3ware RAID
# card (which acts like a SCSI card):
# /dev/sda -a -d 3ware,0
# /dev/sda -a -d 3ware,1
# To monitor the two drives in a computer connected to a Compaq Smart Array
# controller:
# /dev/ida/c0d0 -a -d cciss,0
# /dev/ida/c0d0 -a -d cciss,1
# To start it on boot-up, either uncomment the part of /etc/rc.d/rc.M that
# starts it (in recent versions of Slackware), or add something like this
# to /etc/rc.d/rc.local:
# if [ -x /usr/sbin/smartd ]; then
# echo "Starting smartd..."
# /usr/sbin/smartd
# fi
# ...or if you have the /etc/rc.d/init.d and /etc/rc.d/rc[0-6].d SysV-init
# directories set up, you should already have a /etc/rc.d/init.d/startd
# script. To enable it, create the necessesary symlinks:
ln -sf /etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K40smartd
ln -sf /etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S40smartd
ln -sf /etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S40smartd
ln -sf /etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd /etc/rc.d/rc4.d/S40smartd
ln -sf /etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S40smartd
# smartmontools 5.37 (experimental - 2006/12/20)
# ==================
test -f installed/smartmontools-5.37.tar.gz &&
mv installed/smartmontools-5.37.tar.gz .
test ! -f smartmontools-5.37.tar.gz &&
wget http://download.sf.net/smartmontools/smartmontools-5.37.tar.gz
# Verify tarball w/ md5sum:
# (this came from me, couldn't find one elsewhere)
echo "4ab3668b7d1362ce923f64a211e0e568 smartmontools-5.37.tar.gz" | \
md5sum -c
mkdir -p -m 0700 src
cd src
find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "smartmontools-*" -exec rm -r {} \;
tar xzvf ~/smartmontools-5.37.tar.gz
cd smartmontools-5.37
test $UID = 0 && chown -R root:root .
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
# Become root to install it
# Back up your existing smartd configuration file, if you have one:
test -f /etc/smartd.conf &&
( cd ; mkdir -p -m 0700 backup ; cp /etc/smartd.conf ~/backup/ )
test -x /sbin/removepkg && /sbin/removepkg smartmontools
find /usr/doc -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "smartmontools-*" -exec rm -r {} \;
make install
# There's the commandline util smartctl and there's a daemon smartd. See
# each one's man page for details.
# To use smartd, create a /etc/smartd.conf configuration file (see 'man
# smartd.conf'). To monitor the three IDE drives in this computer, here's
# the configuration I use:
# /dev/hda -a
# /dev/hde -a
# /dev/hdg -a
# To monitor the two IDE drives in a computer connected to a 3ware RAID
# card (which acts like a SCSI card):
# /dev/sda -a -d 3ware,0
# /dev/sda -a -d 3ware,1
# To monitor the two drives in a computer connected to a Compaq Smart Array
# controller:
# /dev/ida/c0d0 -a -d cciss,0
# /dev/ida/c0d0 -a -d cciss,1
# To start it on boot-up, either uncomment the part of /etc/rc.d/rc.M that
# starts it (in recent versions of Slackware), or add something like this
# to /etc/rc.d/rc.local:
# if [ -x /usr/sbin/smartd ]; then
# echo "Starting smartd..."
# /usr/sbin/smartd
# fi
# ...or if you have the /etc/rc.d/init.d and /etc/rc.d/rc[0-6].d SysV-init
# directories set up, you should already have a /etc/rc.d/init.d/startd
# script. To enable it, create the necessesary symlinks:
ln -sf /etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd /etc/rc.d/rc0.d/K40smartd
ln -sf /etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S40smartd
ln -sf /etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S40smartd
ln -sf /etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd /etc/rc.d/rc4.d/S40smartd
ln -sf /etc/rc.d/init.d/smartd /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S40smartd