totem - Gnome movie player based on Xine ChangeLog


# totem
# =====
# Slackware 10.0's 'totem' package includes version 0.99.12 and 10.1's
# includes  As of Slackware 10.2, GNOME is no longer included,
# so neither is totem.

# I include the latest 1.2.x and 1.4.x versions below.  I'm using 1.4.x
# myself.

# If you want to uninstall anything covered below, or clean up files from
# an old version before installing a new one, cd into the source directory,
# run 'make uninstall' (as root), remove the source directory, then remove
# the tarball.

# I remove the internationalization files below because I only
# read/write (well) English.  If this is not the case for you, skip that
# part.

# If you have trouble downloading it from below you can also
# get it here

# Install/update the XML::Parser Perl module using CPAN:
su -c "perl -MCPAN -e shell"
o conf make_install_arg UNINST=1
o conf prerequisites_policy follow
install Bundle::CPAN
install XML::Parser

# iso-codes 0.57
# ==============
# Prerequisites:
# autoconf (for ./
# automake (")
# gawk
# gettext

test -f installed/iso-codes_0.57.orig.tar.gz &&
mv installed/iso-codes_0.57.orig.tar.gz .
test ! -f iso-codes_0.57.orig.tar.gz &&
mkdir -p -m 0700 src
cd src
find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "iso-codes-*" -exec rm -r {} \;
tar xzvf ~/iso-codes_0.57.orig.tar.gz
cd iso-codes-0.57
test $UID = 0 && chown -R root:root .

# Become root to install it

make install
mv -f /usr/local/share/pkgconfig/iso-codes.pc /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/
rmdir /usr/local/share/pkgconfig

# Become yourself again

mkdir -p -m 0700 installed
rm -f installed/iso-codes_*.tar.*
mv iso-codes_0.57.orig.tar.gz installed/

# totem 1.2.2
# ===========
# Prerequisites:
# gawk
# sed
# grep
# intltool >= 0.20
# Perl
# iconv
# gettext
# pkg-config
# nvtvsimple >= 0.4.5 (optional; never tried it)
# Glib-2.0 >= 2.6.3
# GTK+-2.0 2.5.6
# libgnomeui-2.0 >= 2.3.3
# libglade-2.0
# gnome-vfs-2.0 >= 2.9.92
# gnome-desktop-2.0 >= 2.1.5
# gnome-icon-theme >= 2.9.3
# iso-codes (above)
# xine-lib >= 1.0.1 or gstreamer > 0.8.7, gstreamer-plugins >= 0.8.5
#  (optional; you can use it instead of xine-lib)
# gconf-2.0
# D-Bus >= 0.35
# Mozilla (for the plugin)
# nautilus
# musicbrainz
# lirc (optional)
# XFree86 or
# gromit 20041213 (optional; for the Telestrator mode)

# If you have both xine and gstreamer installed, it will use xine unless
# you pass --enable-gstreamer to configure

test -f installed/totem-1.2.2.tar.bz2 &&
mv installed/totem-1.2.2.tar.bz2 .
test ! -f totem-1.2.2.tar.bz2 &&

# Verify tarball w/ md5sum:
echo "a1ccda72948706edf13d2e1e69b48969  totem-1.2.2.tar.bz2" | md5sum -c

mkdir -p -m 0700 src
cd src
find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "totem-*" -exec rm -r {} \;
tar xjvf ~/totem-1.2.2.tar.bz2
cd totem-1.2.2
test $UID = 0 && chown -R root:root .
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var/lib

# If make fails with an error like this:
# /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `libiconv'
# rerun it like this: make LIBS=-liconv

# If make fails with an error like this:
# /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl
# rerun it like this: make LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/ssl/lib


# Become root to install it

test -x /sbin/removepkg && /sbin/removepkg totem
make install
find /usr/share/locale -type f -name "" -exec rm {} \;

# If configure sees that you have Mozilla installed, it will install a Totem
# plugin in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins (even if Mozilla is not installed there).
# If you want that plugin to be used by other browsers, skip down to the
# bottom.

# Become yourself again

mkdir -p -m 0700 installed
rm -f installed/totem-*.tar.*
mv totem-1.2.2.tar.bz2 installed/

# /usr/share/totem/totem_logo.png can be used as a desktop icon

# totem 1.4.5
# ===========
# Prerequisites:
# gawk
# sed
# grep
# intltool >= 0.20
# Perl
# iconv
# gettext
# pkg-config
# nvtvsimple >= 0.4.5 (optional; never tried it)
# Glib-2.0 >= 2.6.3
# GTK+-2.0 2.5.6
# libgnomeui-2.0 >= 2.3.3
# libglade-2.0
# gnome-vfs-2.0 >= 2.9.92
# gnome-desktop-2.0 >= 2.1.5
# gnome-icon-theme >= 2.9.3
# iso-codes (above)
# xine-lib >= 1.0.1 or gstreamer > 0.8.7, gstreamer-plugins >= 0.8.5
#  (optional; you can use it instead of xine-lib)
# gconf-2.0
# D-Bus >= 0.35
# Mozilla (for the plugin)
# nautilus
# musicbrainz
# lirc (optional)
# XFree86 or
# gromit 20041213 (optional; for the Telestrator mode)

# If you have both xine and gstreamer installed, it will use xine unless
# you pass --enable-gstreamer to configure

test -f installed/totem-1.4.5.tar.bz2 &&
mv installed/totem-1.4.5.tar.bz2 .
test ! -f totem-1.4.5.tar.bz2 &&

# Verify tarball w/ md5sum:
echo "215861d6276b77ac4ad871abb18aa10c  totem-1.4.5.tar.bz2" | md5sum -c

mkdir -p -m 0700 src
cd src
find -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "totem-*" -exec rm -r {} \;
tar xjvf ~/totem-1.4.5.tar.bz2
cd totem-1.4.5
test $UID = 0 && chown -R root:root .
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var/lib

# If make fails with an error like this:
# /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `libiconv'
# rerun it like this: make LIBS=-liconv

# If make fails with an error like this:
# /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl
# rerun it like this: make LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/ssl/lib


# Become root to install it

test -x /sbin/removepkg && /sbin/removepkg totem
make install
find /usr/share/locale -type f -name "" -exec rm {} \;

# If configure sees that you have Mozilla installed, it will install a Totem
# plugin in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins (even if Mozilla is not installed there).
# If you want that plugin to be used by other browsers, skip down to the
# bottom.

# Become yourself again

mkdir -p -m 0700 installed
rm -f installed/totem-*.tar.*
mv totem-1.4.5.tar.bz2 installed/

# /usr/share/totem/totem_logo.png can be used as a desktop icon

# If configure found your Mozilla installation, it put a Totem plugin in
# /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.  You may want to copy that plugin to be used
# by Firefox (and Mozilla if installed elsewhere) and other
# Mozilla-compatible browsers:
if [ -d "/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins" ]; then
  for browserdir in \
   /usr/lib/firefox \
   /usr/lib/firefox-?.* \
   /usr/lib/mozilla-?.* \
   /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox \
   /usr/lib/netscape \
   /usr/local/firefox \
   /usr/local/lib/mozilla-?.* \
   /usr/local/mozilla \
   /usr/local/netscape; do
    test ! -d "$browserdir/plugins" && continue
    ( cd "$browserdir/plugins"
      find "/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins" -type f \
       -name "libtotem_mozilla.*" -exec ln -sf {} \; )

List of HOWTOs

Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EST -0500)
HOWTO last updated: 2006-11-04 11:20pm
Copyright © 2001-2025 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.