# RAL-CGM 3.50
# ============
# The two links provided on the home page don't work for me. The first one
# times out every time, the 2nd one doesn't have a directory with the
# specified name. So, I get it from ImageMagick's delegates directory on
# ftp.imagemagick.org
# Do all of this in your home directory
# Download the tarball that has an rpm in it
wget -nc ftp://ftp.imagemagick.org/pub/ImageMagick/delegates/ralcgm.tar.gz
# Extract the rpm out of it, remove the tarball
tar xzvf ralcgm.tar.gz && rm ralcgm.tar.gz
# Convert the rpm inside the tarball to a tgz file (gzipped tar)
# Requires rpm and Slackware's rpm2targz utility
# (or you can do it with alien)
rpm2tgz ralcgm-3.50-2.i386.rpm
mv ralcgm-3.50-2.i386.tgz ralcgm-3.50-i386-2.tgz
# Become root to install it
# If you use Slackware:
installpkg ralcgm-3.50-i386-2.tgz
# and if not:
tar xzv -C / -f ralcgm-3.50-i386-2.tgz
# Become yourself again
# Zap the rpm if you don't need it
rm ralcgm-3.50-2.i386.rpm
# Zap the converted tgz if you don't need it either
rm ralcgm-3.50-i386-2.tgz