trophie - Daemon that uses libvsapi from TrendMicro AntiVirus ChangeLog


# trophie 1.12
# ============
# I no longer have access to any of TrendMicro's products, therefore I can't
# use trophie myself any more.  I no longer have any clients that use it.
# This will probably be the last update to this howto unless a bug release
# comes out, but considering that the latest version was released on
# June 21, 2002, that may not happen either.

# Before you continue below, get one of TrendMicro's products
# ( that has libvsapi in it and install that.  Make sure you've
# got the latest virus signatures for it as well.
# I downloaded a trial of InterScan VirusWall (islx37_1095.tar).  I told it
# to only install the base and the admin part (haven't tried it yet though)
# and told it NO to starting it.  If you don't have /etc/init.d, it will fail
# when it tries to set it up to start on boot-up.  You don't need to actually
# run it to use trophie, so this is perfectly fine.  Keep an eye out on that,
# and root's crontab, if you want to uninstall it.

# I create the ~/installed/trophie/ directory below to put the trophie tarball
# and the Trend Micro tarball in there.

test -f installed/trophie-1.12.tar.bz2 && mv installed/trophie-1.12.tar.bz2 .
test ! -f trophie-1.12.tar.bz2 &&

# Verify tarball w/ gpg:
( lynx -dump | gpg --import - ) &&
wget -nc &&
gpg --verify trophie-1.12.tar.bz2.asc && rm trophie-1.12.tar.bz2.asc

mkdir -p /usr/local/src/trophie
cd /usr/local/src/trophie
find -type d -maxdepth 1 -name "trophie-*" -exec rm -r {} \;
tar xjvf ~/trophie-1.12.tar.bz2
cd trophie-1.12
chown -R root.root .

# If you're not going to run trophie with MIMEDefang:

# If you are going to run trophie with MIMEDefang, something like this
# should work.  Replace /ram/MIMEDefang with your MD spool directory
# (yours may be /var/spool/MIMEDefang) and --with-(user|group) should point
# to the user that MD runs as (yours is probably 'defang'):
# ./configure \
#  --with-socketfile=/ram/MIMEDefang/trophie \
#  --with-pidfile=/ram/MIMEDefang/ \
#  --with-user=mdefang \
#  --with-group=mdefang

install trophie /usr/local/sbin/
rm -f installed/trophie-*.tar.* installed/trophie/trophie-*.tar.*
mv trophie-1.12.tar.bz2 installed/trophie/

# My has the ability
# to start/stop trophie along with sendmail, MIMEDefang, sophie, clamd, etc.

List of HOWTOs

Web page itself last updated: 2023-12-20 8:06pm (EST -0500)
HOWTO last updated: 2004-10-11 5:58pm
Copyright © 2001-2025 Jason Englander. All Rights reserved.